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Get ready for the 2008 Democratic Convention in Denver! The perfect accessory whether making trek to Denver


Obamafest Yard Sign

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Obama-Palooza Yard Sign

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Obama-Palooza Yard Sign

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Draft Hillary!  August 27, 2008

Draft Hillary! August 27, 2008 Yard Sign
Join the Draft Hillary movement! Obama's polls are sliding with no end in sight. Superdelegate votes at the Denver convention can easily swing the nomination to Hillary. Do your part now!

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Draft Hillary!  August 27, 2008

Draft Hillary! August 27, 2008 Yard Sign
Join the Draft Hillary movement! Obama's polls are sliding with no end in sight. Superdelegate votes at the Denver convention can easily swing the nomination to Hillary. Do your part now!

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Draft Hillary!  August 27, 2008

Draft Hillary! August 27, 2008 Yard Sign
Join the Draft Hillary movement! Obama's polls are sliding with no end in sight. Superdelegate votes at the Denver convention can easily swing the nomination to Hillary. Do your part now!

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Draft Hillary!  August 27, 2008

Draft Hillary! August 27, 2008 Yard Sign
Join the Draft Hillary movement! Obama's polls are sliding with no end in sight. Superdelegate votes at the Denver convention can easily swing the nomination to Hillary. Do your part now!

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Draft Hillary!  August 27, 2008

Draft Hillary! August 27, 2008 Yard Sign
Join the Draft Hillary movement! Obama's polls are sliding with no end in sight. Superdelagate votes at the Denver convention can easily swing the nomination to Hillary. Do your part now!

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Bound for Victory

Bound for Victory Yard Sign
2008 is the year for victory for all Democrats - whether local, state or national. Show your support for them with this gear.

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Bound for Denver

Bound for Denver Yard Sign
Get ready for the 2008 Democratic Convention in Denver! The perfect accessory whether making trek to Denver, going to a watch party, or taking in the historic event at home. This gear is a must.

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Kicking stars

Kicking stars Yard Sign
This sturdy donkey is kicking up stars

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False Unity

False Unity Yard Sign
Let's face it - Barack is a person that gave DNC bosses an opportunity to divide the Democratic party based only on one principle - anyone but Clinton.

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Selected Not Elected

Selected Not Elected Yard Sign
That's right, he, the favorite of DNC bosses was selected as a nominee not elected in fair primaries. Shame on DNC!

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Obama 2008

Obama 2008 Yard Sign

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Party Weary

Party Weary Yard Sign
This budget-conscious tee is for all you PUMAs and other Dems who donated too much money only to be outspent by Exelon. Dress in style for the Democratic Convention in Denver or where ever you are.

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See Yard Signs

See Yard Signs Yard Sign

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See Yard Signs

See Yard Signs Yard Sign

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See Yard Signs

See Yard Signs Yard Sign

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See Yard Signs

See Yard Signs Yard Sign

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See Yard Signs

See Yard Signs Yard Sign

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See Yard Signs

See Yard Signs Yard Sign

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See Yard Signs

See Yard Signs Yard Sign

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See Yard Signs

See Yard Signs Yard Sign

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See Yard Signs

See Yard Signs Yard Sign

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